Impero Academy (Lifetime Membership)
The great Spanish philosopher Ortega y Gasset once said that...
"The most radical division between people is that which divides it into two classes of creatures: those who make great demands on themselves, piling up difficulties and duties; and those who demand nothing special of themselves, but for whom to live is to be every moment what they already are, without imposing on themselves any effort towards perfection; mere buoys that float on the waves."
If you count yourself among the first type, you have come to the right place. If you count yourself among the rest, know that none of what is written below is meant for you.
For those of you who qualify—let’s get into it.
What is Impero Academy?
Impero Academy (IA) is an online community built for and by aspiring Renaissance Men. In it you will find all the necessary guidance, tools, resources, and support to enable your own Personal Renaissance.
Personal Renaissance?
Your Personal Renaissance (PR) is the cohesive and comprehensive flourishing of your physical, social, psychological, and intellectual selves. Your PR emerges from the interplay between careful introspection (of your nature), strategic manipulation (over your nature) and deliberate abdication (to your nature); it is what happens when you strike a balance between getting out of nature’s way and being its way.
How will IA help me?
If you’re reading this, you likely seek to cultivate yourself holistically—not just “reading more books” or “exercising” but integrating your eclectic interests into a coherent lifestyle. Alas, there is a ton of content out there on fitness, relationships, psychology, and learning, but remarkably little on how to interlace them together and incorporate them into our lives in ways we find meaningful, exciting, and sustainable.
At a fundamental level, IA will help you with this by edifying what I call the PEAK Pillars into your life, each of which is associated with one of Impero’s values.
- Prime [vitality]: Preparing your body for strife through proper training, nutrition, and rest. Becoming the sculpture and the sculptor; the marble and the chisel.
- Entice [charisma]: Becoming an empathetic and persuasive man capable of navigating any social context with ease, fostering authentic and meaningful connections with others.
- Achieve [sovereignty]: Becoming your greatest ally by building character, discipline, and resilience. Getting to know your deepest motivations and how to structure your life around them.
- Know [wisdom]: Incorporating the timeless insights of great art, history, philosophy, literature, and the trades, to live a deeply aesthetic, educated, and resourceful life.
Becoming capable, magnetic, tenacious, and cultured; this is what the PEAK Pillars are all about: a cohesive latticework of physical, social, psychological, and intellectual self-overcoming. As such, they act as the very spines of IA: everything else is built atop them.
And by “everything else,” I mean:
- Guidance: The necessary assistance to help you design a lifestyle most conducive towards a Personal Renaissance.
- Resources: In-depth resources to save you weeks, months, or even years of research across the PEAK Pillars and get you moving upwards ASAP.
- Tools: A series of tools designed to orient your journey and keep you focused, consistent, and motivated as you navigate through it.
- Support: A lively and encouraging network of like-minded men to bring each PEAK Pillar to life and help you travel further than you would have on your own.
I discuss what this looks like in practice right below.
What does a membership include, exactly?
Lifetime access to everything covered below.
I. The Roadmap
A strategic plan to your Personal Renaissance
The journey towards your Personal Renaissance starts with a single step; the goal of The Roadmap is to ensure it is taken in the right direction. Your task won’t be to “plan your next 5 years” (an utterly foolish endeavor) but to sketch a strategic trajectory for your life, creating from it a flexible action plan that not only ensures meaningful progress but also weaves in room for reassessments and serendipity.
The Roadmap includes:
- Personal Projection: A guided, introspective exercise with sequential questions meant to help you project yourself into the future through each of the PEAK Pillars and map out in detail your highest and lowest potential selves.
- PEAK Profiler: A simple interactive tool designed to help you identify which aspects of your current self need the most work, are most relevant to you right now, and have the highest yield if properly addressed.
- Critical Checkpoints: A reliable method to turn your most important areas of focus into relevant milestones with which to gauge your progress.
- Daily Deeds: A practical, day-to-day method to ensure your actions move you passed your checkpoints and towards personal excellence.
II. The Programs
Exclusive programs for each of the PEAK Pillars
Once afoot, the path to your Personal Renaissance can be overwhelming—especially when you’re unsure where to start sinking your teeth. The PEAK Programs are here to alleviate that. These are in-depth practical resources designed to kickstart your self-cultivation; they offer instant access to high-quality, curated, practical knowledge, saving you precious time and providing the necessary raw materials to start edifying your Pillars.
So far, the PEAK Programs include:
- Modern Detox: An all-in-one roadmap to help you navigate the minefield of invisible threats that permeate modern life and maximize your physiological potential. From understanding (and resolving) the impact of toxins in your water supply to making informed decisions about cookware, hygiene products, foodstuff, fabrics, and even radiation.
- Bioenergetic Briefing: A compact and practical guide to a Ray Peat-inspired (so-called “bioenergetic”) nutrition and lifestyle. It is the non-theoretical, pragmatic companion to my free (ongoing) Bioenergetic Blueprint series on Substack.
- Renaissance Habits: A synthesis of guidance, resources, and printable templates to help you incorporate four essential Renaissance Habits for self-cultivation into your daily habits: writing, moving, reading, and learning.
- Marginalia: My personal notes on books, courses, etc., regularly updated with new additions every “Marginalia Monday.” These are not supposed to replace your own notes, but to complement your autodidacticism by providing a perspective with which to contrast yours, and a bit of clarity on the most challenging sections.
- New Releases: Includes full access to all new PEAK programs that get published in the future.
III. The Gymnasium
Private Discord server of men the same mission as you
"To walk far, walk together", they say. In The Gymnasium you'll find accountability partners with whom to grow, and life experiences from which to learn. Most importantly, you’ll have the opportunity to make true friends who challenge you, celebrate your victories, and offer perspectives that could transform your life.
The Gymnasium includes:
- Accountability: 24/7, from like-minded men.
- Accessibility: Direct text and voice access to me and the group.
- Great Books Club: Optional book club where we discuss the classics.
- Group Challenges: Recurring contests to keep us moving upwards.
- Giveaways: Recurring events where we gift books, subscriptions, and other goodies.
- Consensus: Recurring voting days where we decide the course of Impero.
- Self-Promotion: A space to share your own interesting projects with us.
- Much More: Specific text and voice channels to discuss training, nutrition, hobbies, habits, goals, play chess together, go rucking, etc. And who knows, maybe we can plan awesome meet-ups in the future, too.
How does pricing work?
It's a simple one-time payment. No recurring fees. Pay once, enjoy forever.
If you purchase it now, you will get access to all future updates at no additional cost.
How is content delivered?
On Notion and Discord.
Click right here for a preview (plus you'll also get access to the Impero Wiki).
Other FAQs
Is it only for men?
Yes. I know it's a shame, but experience has taught me it's also necessary for the type of relationships and group dynamics I want the community to foster.
It’s a big investment; can I split the payment?
I previously purchased one (or more) Impero programs: do I get a discount?
Yes. DM on Instagram or Twitter/X and we'll figure something out.
I previously purchased Renaissance Revival v1.0: do I have to purchase this too?
No. Everything here is included in your membership.
What if I don't like it?
There is no risk. If you don’t resonate with IA, send me a message on Discord and/or Instagram within 72 hours of your purchase and I will give you a full refund. No questions asked.
How much content will I get access to, really?
Let me put it this way: if we were to only count the Modern Detox program, there would be over 50.000 words (or over 300 .pdf pages) of detailed and practical info. Obviously, words don’t equal value—and written content is just one piece of the IA puzzle—but hopefully this gives you a sense of the depth and scale we aim for.
Will the price ever go up?
Probably, but not for you. Price increases will occur as more and more value gets added, but they will only affect new members.
Do other people like it?
I'm happy to say they do:
Ready for your Personal Renaissance?
If you have any questions, feel free to DM me on Instagram or X and I'll get back to you ASAP.
Otherwise, come along and join us as we learn to cultivate the highest version of what is natural in us, and become not only physically capable, but socially adept, mentally resilient, and intellectually vibrant. Let us witness what was once germinating within us flourish and reach upwards, having been seeded in the right circumstances—and alongside the right company. Let us understand the words of Nietzsche when he wrote that “Your true nature lies not hidden deep within you, but immeasurably high above you, or, at least, above that which you normally take yourself to be.”
Get instant access now—and enjoy it forever.
Experience Your Personal Renaissance